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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. Where is Horne? If Taylor and Roby aren't even going to try to score makes defense against us that much easier
  2. We HAVE to learn how to box out
  3. Can we recruit shooters like that please
  4. You did, but they have not call that foul all night. Tai would have shot 14 FT by now if they had.
  5. Yep all three are offensive. Think all called by the same guy
  6. Why do we struggle so bad on both ends with the pick and roll? Other teams abuse us with it and we can't run it to save ourselves.
  7. Feel like I am Bill Murray in Groundhogs day
  8. You turn it over and then come back and leave the shooter open.
  9. Then why signal it was tipped? If true understand why they got the ball
  10. How does the guy signal the ball was tipped and then not stick to it? AGain, does someone have the email address at the Big 10 offices?
  11. What a horrible offensive possession. Webster forced it badly and Jacobson misses the backboard.
  12. Guessing he will be elsewhere next year if this is how Miles is going to use him
  13. Why did Webster not defend that?
  14. We need a third scorer to step up. Where is Horne?
  15. Agree and until he decides to do so, he needs to stop!
  16. Webster needs to stop shooting 3
  17. This is just so frustrating, someone gets knocked down and then the call a touch foul
  18. And they call that on Watson? Does anyone have the email for the Big 10 offices?
  19. Watson and Webster are killing us with the forces
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