Let me start this with my love for husker basketball.
In the fall of 2007 I really got into husker basketball. I moved back to Lincoln after being in the army and being deployed for too damn long. I figured I'd get season tickets as I didn't want to be a person that complained of "nothing to do" in Lincoln. I was hooked and still am to this day.
Anyways I got hooked and had season tickets until 2012 when I moved out of Lincoln. I liked Miles from the time we hired him.
I went to the game today and the PBA and loved the new arena and everything.
However, as a veteran, Tim Miles earned my respect because during the National Anthem He stood with his hand over his heart and his left hand at his side. I'm not sure if he was around the military or is just sharp enough to realize what in means when they say stand at attention. I'm not sure why this didn't catch my eye last year.
I know not everyone will be as respectful as I would like but I honestly would be happy if people would just take off their caps and not look at their smartphone during the thing.
I guess I'm ranting now.
But, the head coach is a MAN in my book no matter how you cut it.