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Everything posted by TomEadesSucks

  1. Need to bleed clock with Tanner sitting.
  2. JPJ asking for a revote on the All Big Ten team.
  3. Here is Maryland's run, go to weather it.
  4. Were has this team been the last two months?
  5. Maybe a slight advantage for us in that no one knows Johnny and Thor's tendencies .
  6. Roby not first round material yet.
  7. Refs letting them play, whichis really good for us.
  8. They've got moxie. QB's on the court. Sneaky athletic.
  9. Fire Fran! (I know he had nothing to do with it, but still...)
  10. Did we rehire the Navy Seal at halftime?
  11. Johnny Trueblood has achieved honorary Benny Parker status.
  12. JPJ and Glynn should probably be the only ones shooting the rest of the game.
  13. Quick, somebody search the UNL student directory for someone named "Rudy"!
  14. Guess Wisconsin ball is working for us.
  15. What happened with Palmer and free throws?
  16. We're playing about as terrible as possible, and are only down two. Rutgers is bad.
  17. No one. We'd probably be doing just as well 4 on 5. (Halfway kidding)
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