The NSAA choose to change the classification system for football only for the current 2 year cycle. These changes came after a committee studied ways to try and decrease the enrollment gaps between the top and bottom schools in classes. Class B has always had the largest disparity because of the population makeup of our state. The changes included classifying for football based on a school's male only enrollment and if it was between a certain range, without regard for how many teams would be in each class as has been done in the past and is still the case in other sports. So these are the enrollment numbers used for football (Aurora was the 3rd largest C-1 school).
Other sports have not changed their classification systems yet so they are still based off of total school enrollment, changes could be happening in the future. Under the current system it is extremely common for teams to be in different classes for different sports and always has been. Some sports have 6 classes (Football, Basketball, Volleyball) while other sports have 4 classes (Wrestling, Track, X-Country, etc.) I believe baseball only has 2 and softball 3 classes. Other reasons include a different number of male only schools (Mt. Michael, Creighton Prep) to all female schools (Marian, Mercy, Duchesne).
Schools can opt up classes in certain sports and not other. (NSAA rules) Sounds like half the Aurora school board wanted to and the other half did not.