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Everything posted by nebfan24

  1. i wonder how much of these losses are just plain fatigue and lack of confidence and how much is them figuring out our offence
  2. i feel like its more of a the team is gassed due to playing a schedule of so many tough games. even websters lock down defence has suffered
  3. 3-0 to finish the season and then make big 10 tournament finals, would this get a bid?
  4. just what happens when they happen to have a night where the other team has everything going for them and we cant make a bucket
  5. why is it when other teams have great shooting nights we unfortunately have terrible ones
  6. this team shouldnt lose any of the last 4 with a healthy team, could definitely happen but if everything goes nebraska's way they can do it
  7. if Iowa has a case, we certainly do too
  8. I wonder how much they look at morrows injury, with him we are 5-2 so far, winning out would be 9-2 with him with only losses being wiscy and nw. if they finish 10-8 they would likely be 4 or 5 in the conference would be hard to see them not making it like that wouldn't it
  9. First post here, if nebraska wins out (which i predict they will), taking into account ed morrows injury losing a few games, does nebraska make the tournament? also if northwestern loses 3/4 games which is a possibility. nebraska could potentially get the 4 seed
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