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Everything posted by Gmaw

  1. Well it looks to me like they are already working on getting his replacement. Hoiberg has to know and talked too people in the nba and asked around for opinions on him or something I would think anyway. I know if I were him and had those connections I would. Just so i could use it to try and get him to stay or hell even tell him he should go and move on with my recruiting. Which it appears to me they have already. I'm assuming he's probably spoke with Robys agent. If it is indeed Priority like twitter says I know( well Google knows?) they have had a few players that have played for Hoiberg with the bulls soooo I would assume they have good relationships or atleast some kind of professional one already. Robys stock is secretly high amongst nba people I guess. He reminds me of the Kuzma pick. Not really many people knew about Kuzma and I assume whatever college he went to their teams huskerhoopscentral talk site were probably saying the same things about Kuzma that are being said on here about Roby. Then Kuzma got the invite Oh yea guess what agency Kuzma is signed with?
  2. I saw on twitter somewhere that he signed with Zach something or other from priority sports. I Can not find it for the life of me again now though. Also he has workouts with nba teams scheduled already idk who but at least 2 teams in the playoffs right now and a few others I guess.
  3. If you ask me and I have no info on the situation but after reading this link idk. https://www.nbadraft.net/players/isaiah-roby Maybe he could use it as leverage or something against getting drafted by a team he doesn't want to go too. Like nah if you guys draft me I'm going back to school. I still feel he's gonna be a nba combine/workout draft board climber once the combine starts. The link says and I agree his "nba" skill is defense. And he has a very good offensive base to at least start with.
  4. https://pelicandebrief.com/2019/04/19/2019-nba-draft-full-mock-draft-1-0-new-orleans-pelicans-take-3-and-d-wing/amp/26/Meant to post this the other day Guess I forgot ? But these alerts and this game reminded me
  5. Not really but depending on who your agent or agency is I'd imagine you could influence it by only working out and talking too certain teams.
  6. I've heard although nowadays you hear all these guys are now "signing" with agents But I hear there's some heavy hitters trying to sign roby like Over 10 agencies
  7. I wouldnt have any doubt that what happened too copeland weighs heavy with him coming back or not. Unfortunately for cope coming back didnt help his stock much and he got hurt. But if your willing to bet on yourself with a 2nd round 2 yr guaranteed contract that your agent or agency could negotiate to be comparable to a 1st rd pick why not? That way you could get too your 2nd contract faster. With a 1st round pick you are stuck under rookie contract guidelines which could really suck.
  8. I'm gonna say middle to 20 Roby will be picked 1st round No later
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