One thing I'd like to add about the attendance - take it with an extraordinary grain of salt. You aren't even comparing apples to orange. It's apples to bagged salad.
Some schools, such as Purdue, sell a season seat license for all winter sports and they are allowed to count those as 'tickets sold' across gymnastics, wrestling and women's basketball, rather there is a human being in those seats or not. When Purdue reports 8,000, there are probably closer to 3,000 there. And they have loud, loyal fans, but their attendance reports are not actual people.
Last night Michigan reported just under 2,000. I'd say that was fairly accurate.
Michigan State - don't even get me started. Same thing as Purdue, except they multiply their attendance by a factor of about 3.5. Wisconsin's is also not even close to actual people in the stands. If you'll remember in the Big 12, Texas Tech started selling seat licenses and they'd announce 8,000 when there were about 2,000 there. Women's Basketball attendance figures are like the two weekly polls: interesting to talk about and they mean absolutely nothing.
Nebraska's attendance, since it's a city-owned arena, is people through the turnstiles. And it's almost impossible to cheat attendance as the lower bowl is 8,000. If there isn't anyone above the lower bowl or there are any empty seats in the lower bowl, it's below 8,000.
When you talk to staff from opposing teams, it's very clear everyone in the league knows Nebraska has the highest attendance and best crowds. But it's a recruiting nugget for coaches to tell a kid, "Come to _______ University as we lead the league in attendance!" They just have to hope they don't do a visit or go to a game somewhere else.
I enjoy reading the great discussions on here! Thanks for being great fans!
Go Big RED!!!!