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  1. Hey everyone, rock the vote for Miss Brown. She’s behind to the big city girls. Let’s get the Husker Nation behind her. Remember, you can vote everyday through March 1st. GBR ???
  2. https://www.facebook.com/somer.anderson.7/posts/10209284231617386 Hey Husker Nation, While scanning for Miss Brown, I just came across this. Let’s get every Husker Big Red Fans to follow the link and vote for Leigha. I’m betting we can get her this win by 2-3k votes. You can vote once a day til 3-1-18. Let’s show her what being a Husker is all about!!!
  3. There was also a Leigha Brown sighting IN Nebraska while playing Wisconsin. She’s all in???
  4. You will also see her sitting behind the bench @ the IU game ???
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