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Everything posted by tunnelwalkofshame

  1. Yeah, I tried, but couldn't find a reasonable place for it. It's so good.
  2. You know it. But I won't be around for tailgating/festivities, sadly. Down there for something else, but sneaking in a trip to the game.
  3. Taylor exhausting his eligibility is my greatest sadness.
  4. Ha! That's a nice compliment. I haven't heard from any of those types of people, though I've talked to Kegs 'N Eggs on Twitter, and I like him a lot. He's hysterical.
  5. I have been going to Nebrasketball games my whole life. Not every game, I won't pretend to be a total Devaney Die-hard, but I've kept up with the team very regularly, always know what's going on with them. This year, like everyone, the passion has just kind of intensified. If you were a casual fan, you're into it now. If you were into it, you're over the top. I'm probably somewhere between those two categories. But overall, I'll cheer for anything Huskers. Love going to baseball games, too.
  6. Some comics take as little as an hour or two to actually write. I write them in chunks though. Usually I think of jokes or concepts or situations throughout the week, and jot them down. Then I work on stringing it together into as much of a cohesive one-sitting story as possible, which takes a bit of time. The night before posting, I open up Photoshop and do all the placement. That's just busy-work, usually done while watching Archer and drinking beer. Sometimes when I'm putting stuff together I think of something new and slide a joke or two in. But mostly I write it in chunks throughout the week. Regarding your second question, I'm really glad the university engages with it. Not just for my own selfish reasons either. It's good for them to not pretend like stuff like TWOS, Faux Pelini and the like don't exist. They do exist, and people seem to like them. As a brand, the Huskers can make great strides by bringing us jackasses into the fold and making it all one big happy family. I'm glad they have, and it seems like there are some good folks running things there.
  7. My apartment does smell of rich mahogany...
  8. Yeah, I love that picture, but honestly the more specific a picture is, the harder it becomes to work into a comic. I have to build a story leading to one visual punchline, and it risks feeling forced sometimes. I had about 8 pages of total material, cut down to just over 5. That's the usual process for me - I write a lot, then try to only keep the stuff that keeps making me laugh. I end up reading each comic about 100 times, so that's kind of my stress-test for it.
  9. It should be a thing. OK, the comic is now live.
  10. Is... is that a thing here?
  11. Thanks guys. I'm gonna turn in for the night, then get up and publish you a comic. See you in the a.m.
  12. Thanks, man. I can't begin to tell you how many funny conversations and interactions I've had from TWOS. Kenny Bell has been great, and Faux Pelini, who I talk to sometimes. Even just the media guys, those are great. I don't really get too starstruck by any of that (EXCEPT KENNY BELL), so what's really been cool for me is just talking to other Husker fans who love all this as much as I do, and getting to have a little community with them around my work. I didn't expect this thing to get where it got, so it's been really cool to have a lot of good fans to meet and talk to about it.
  13. Neat! I also got my logo by my name and don't know how that happened. The internet is magic!
  14. So just to prove my identity, and say thanks for having me, here's an extra preview (different from the one I tweeted, which is posted above). Hope you enjoy the comic tomorrow.
  15. Hey guys! This is TWOS. Happy to chat some Nebrasketball. The new comic will be posted in the a.m., as the godfather noted above (I don't know if he has a real name but I talk to him on Twitter sometimes and he seems nice). I'll drop a link to the comic in the morning and, depending on work schedule, be around throughout the day to chat. I look forward to it.
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