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Everything posted by CloudsOfDust

  1. Wow refs are really trying to hose you. Should have had that timeout. That was nowhere near a jump ball yet.
  2. This is the type of win that makes a team better down the road. Nice job. And RUTGERS somehow won at Clemson tonight.
  3. Huge offensive rebound for you guys last time down could have won the game.
  4. Soooo... Parker should drive more.
  5. Petteway knows he can do what he wants right now.
  6. Nebraska is certainly going to go through stretches where they score in bunches. Nothing for 4 minutes, and then BOOM 10 points in the last 2.
  7. Florida State with an embarrassingly empty arena. Nebraska needs to settle down on offense.
  8. WHO LET YOU IN?!?! Just kidding. Enjoy the show. At first I thought there might be some animosity, but then I remembered that thanks in large part to the Badgers, you guys get a new head football coach now. So... you're welcome in a weird way? For what it's worth, I enjoy Nebrasketball. The game against the Badgers last year in Lincoln was just insane, and even though UW lost, if you are a fan of college basketball, you have to love atmospheres like that. Reminded me of a Keith Jackson quote after the Badgers went to their first Rose Bowl under Barry after decades of mediocrity: "There is nothing so invigorating as a resurgent spirit."
  9. Good luck boys, from a Badger fan. A road win would start off the Challenge nicely. Looks like a few early defensive lapses, but your guys are shooting well early.
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