I have been thinking about this for a couple of days now. I have some questions about the Charleston Classic.... 1. Was the Charleston Classic a success or failure? 2. Was it to much too soon or just what NU needed? 3. Is Miles making good decisions with scheduling or is he pushing to quickly? I think the Charleston Classic was a failure 2-1 would have been a success, but 1-2 not a good showing. I think Miles made a mistake in entering this tournament. It was a year to early. I knew when he put it on the schedule. He should have stayed with the Sun bowl classic. Where we stood a chance of winning the whole thing. We need success to build on. I guess I am of the thinking that you don't move up to play tougher competition UNTIL you can beat the guys your are already playing. The CC was an up grade in talent and we were not ready for it and our record showed. If we come in next year to the CC, with a seasoned team, we could win the whole thing. We should have played somewhere else. I think this is the second mistake he has made with the schedule. I thought he should have entered the post season tournament we were offered. I think his ego or his enthusiasm is getting the better of him. He is not make decisions that are in the best interest of the program.