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Posted (edited)

We've officially wrapped up cupcake season... and we survived. We're now 11-2 (1-1). Best start in decades. We're sitting at #62 in NET rankings with Quad 1 1-1, Q2 1-1, Q3 2-0, Q4 7-0. That's some quality Doc Sadler type of non-conference scheduling.


We have the #7 field goal percentage defense in the nation, #19 in lowest fouls per game, #16 in defensive rebounds per game, #22 in total rebounds per game, #34 in three-point attempts per game, #25 in three=point percentage defense, and #19 in the nation in winning percentage.


The average HHCC prediction for non-conference wins was 9.2. Nobody predicted higher than 10 wins; nobody picked lower than 8 wins. So we all seem to be in line with pre-season expectations for this team, if not better. There's still a long ways to go in the season, but we closed out 2023 on good terms. Go Big Red!

HHCC Standings - End of Week 08


1    bigred4    347    NC
2    BjoeHusker    401    NC
3    Crush78    405    U8
4    UnicamMan    414    D1
5    aphilso1    420    D1
6    NeeandMe    433    U3
7    Nutball    439    U3
8    jimmykc    443    D3
9    demone    452    D1
10    nuhusker7    454    D4
11    hal9000    460    D4
12    emwilliams    465    NC
13    throwback    467    U4
14    KenPom    468    U1
15    SkersHoops    471    U5
16    TheNovice    471    D3
17    Bart Torvik    473    U1
18    AuroranHusker    481    U7
19    LNKtrnsplnt    481    D5
20    Vinny    484    D4
21    HuskerFever    490    D2
22    CanadianHusker    492    U5
23    twinswingohuskers    494    U7
24    BugeaterZ    495    U2
25    Huskerpapa    500    D2
26    Bugeaters1    504    D5
27    Noah121    507    U4
28    ConkintheCorner    508    D6
29    hhcmatt    510    U8
30    4NUfans    517    U5
31    Busch Light    519    D2
32    Woody Boyd    519    U1
33    DudeAbides    526    D5
34    roundball3    526    U4
35    Cazzie22    532    D1
36    roscoe    532    NC
37    Ralph Wiggum    535    D5
38    Nebrasketball1979    537    U1
39    brfrad    539    U6
40    cornfed24-7    551    U2
41    Cowboy Kermit    555    U5
42    REDZONEDAN    557    U1
43    Handy Johnson    558    U6
44    hskr4life    560    D3
45    BigTate    563    D5
46    bb33ch    565    D22
47    HuscurAdam    567    U3
48    MichHusker    574    U3
49    colhusker    577    D5
50    EAbby    581    D2
51    basketballjones    582    U1
52    BLB115    590    D5
53    HuskerMB    624    NC
54    Silverbacked1    639    NC
55    tcp    676    U1
56    AGHANSEN    678    U1
57    hhctony    695    D2
58    75unlgrad    777    NC
59    TheGov21    818    NC
60    Boots    828    NC
61    NU Follower    879    NC
62    1sdpad2    887    NC
63    Jurgey    913    NC
64    Minnesota_Husker    986    NC
65    Breslin Petteway    990    NC
66    The Jazz Huddle    1065    NC
67    mkroll12345    1111    NC
68    HolyBobpilgrimage    1114    NC
69    Lohusker    1160    NC
70    rwmctrofholz    1188    NC
71    Faux Mike Peltz    1196    NC


Biggest Rise        Crush78    U8
Biggest Fall        bb33ch    D22


(U# = Up, D# = Down, NC = No Change)

Edited by HuskerFever
Posted (edited)

Game #13 vs. South Carolina State Results (91-62 W)


Picked NU: 55 (100%)
Average NU Score: 83.7
Average Opp Score: 61.9
Average HHCC Score: 24.9
Median HHCC Score: 25.0
Mode HHCC Score: 36


1    Crush78    -22
2    hhcmatt    4
3    brfrad    5
4    AuroranHusker    6
5    bigred4    7
6    SkersHoops    7
7    throwback    7
8    basketballjones    8
9    AGHANSEN    9
10    4NUfans    12
11    Bart Torvik    12
12    NeeandMe    12
13    NUtball    13
14    twinswingohuskers    13
15    BugeaterZ    14
16    Handy Johnson    15
17    KenPom    15
18    CanadianHusker    16
19    Noah121    18
20    Cowboy Kermit    20
21    Woody Boyd    20
22    HuscurAdam    21
23    MichHusker    23
24    Nebrasketball1979    23
25    TheNovice    23
26    roundball3    24
27    UnicamMan    24
28    BjoeHusker    25
29    Huskerpapa    26
30    aphilso1    27
31    roscoe    27
32    HuskerFever    28
33    HuskerMB    30
34    LNKtrnsplnt    30
35    cornfed24-7    31
36    REDZONEDAN    31
37    Cazzie22    32
38    demone    32
39    Vinny    33
40    Busch Light    34
41    Silverbacked1    34
42    Bugeaters1    36
43    emwilliams    36
44    hskr4life    36
45    nuhusker7    37
46    ConkintheCorner    39
47    jimmykc    39
48    EAbby    40
49    DudeAbides    42
50    hal9000    42
51    BigTate    44
52    BLB115    45
53    Ralph Wiggum    45
54    colhusker    51
55    tcp    66

Edited by HuskerFever



# of non-conference wins: 10
# of correct HHCC participants: 19


75unlgrad, AuroranHusker, bb33ch, Boots, Breslin Petteway, CanadianHusker, colhusker, cornfed24-7, EAbby, emwilliams, Handy Johnson, hhctony, HuscurAdam, Lohusker, MichHusker, NU Follower, roundball3, twinswingohuskers, Vinny


If Boogie hadn't given up that last turnover on a terrible pass, the margin would have been 31, which is the exact margin I had at 92-61. Needless to say, I was pissed at Coleman. Nice to be mad in a romp, unlike that CU one. Sheesh.


1 hour ago, Nebrasketball1979 said:

@HuskerFever...I think my prediction for the SCST game was accidentally omitted.  It wasn't a great prediction but better than a zero 😀

I recall seeing this one. It looked to be quoting TheNovice's prediction. Wasn't sure what to make of that when entering the predicitons into the eBay.



4 hours ago, HuskerFever said:

I recall seeing this one. It looked to be quoting TheNovice's prediction. Wasn't sure what to make of that when entering the predicitons into the eBay.



Well, I can certainly understand your confusion as the intent was that was my pick.  I am not exactly sure what happened!

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