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Red Don, I think this is what happens when a small group of posters decides for everyone else shortly after a major event that "it's time to move on."  I think if people had been allowed to vent their spleens a couple of months ago then this wouldn't be so much of a festering wound today.


Fans who've invested YEARS following and supporting a particular coach don't just "move on" over night.


Red Don, most of the discussions have been pretty civil, and it seems that whatever one's views are on the coaching change, and certain players; i.e. events from the recent past, everyone is still supportive of the new coaches and players, and hoping for the best.  But occasionally someone puts something out there, and some further discussion occurs.   But it isn't particularly "rancorous", certainly not by most message board standards. 


As to the well-paid "officials in authority", their decisions impact the University, state, and community.  The culture they foster matters, and can be worthy of discussion.   What do we strive for?  Are we win at all costs?  Are we what have you done for me lately?  Do graduation rates and good citizenship of our players matter?  Those things are important, and this is, after all, a message board.  One of the best, which allows discussion without it getting too personnel or profane, and often has a considerable amount of humor.   But the actions of those in power shouldn't just be rubber-stamped and forgotten, and never challenged. 


What took place in March and April was huge news.   Not your basic coaching change, for sure.  Most of those don't involve much risk, since the changes are based on poor performance vs. the most success in program history.  This one has huge stakes.  It certainly makes sense that some discussion would ensue on something like this. And perhaps not have an arbitrary cut-off moment.  On most football boards in this state, they are still talking about firing Solich and hiring Callahan.  This is going much better. ;)


Finally, there have been several parents and grandparents of players who post occasionally, but some of them do it anonymously.  But I can tell you that any coach would not be comfortable with a parent posting anything critical of the coach, on a public message board.  It would be no different from saying it to a reporter.  So the coaches get pretty nervous with much of that, and understandably so.   And so it isn't actually encouraged.  


You are correct that there doesn't need to be constant pot-stirring  (there hasn't been), and we need to back our current coaches and players (everyone seems to be doing that).   But on a message board I wouldn't want a moratorium on what we can discuss, or on rebuttals to provocative or inaccurate posts.  


Thanks for giving me the entree Norm.  I speak 'Diplomat.' 


I've been reticent to weigh-in on this because, well, I'm just a Noob; following Men's & Women's BB only recently, so I don't have a long history of supporting the team.


I hope I'm not ruffling any feathers, but in looking over this thread, it occurs to me that we are 'beating each other up' unnecessarily; mainly over perceived 'slights' that it doesn't seem to me were ever intended.

In reading the board, I don't think Anyone is happy with the way the Connie Yori resignation went down!  There are obviously a Lot of Hard Feelings that will take a lot of time to assuage.  Some posts in response seem to be simply lashing out in frustration at anyone hapless enough to get in the way.

This does not seem to me to be the best way to move forward.  Keeping on recounting the wounds, instead of being cathartic, seems to do nothing but keep the rancor going and retards the transition to the next era, if you will.

We were very fortunate to get an accomplished coach on the rise to replace Connie Yori.   But as far as I know, she is blameless for what went down.   Just because I am rooting for the new coach and her team to succeed does Not mean that I agree with the way things went down with Coach Yori, or support the decision to let her go.  Most of us will probably never know all the facts leading up to her resignation, but Right or Wrong, that decision was made by officials in authority, paid to make the 'tough decisions.'  


I'm not trying to say, 'Can't we just forget it,' because we can't; but what I am saying is let's not let it poison the environment or put the new regime under a cloud. For example, there is one poster with a daughter on the team who I haven't seen around lately.  I hope he hasn't 'moved-on,' because if so, IMHO I believe the forum is the poorer for it.  We don't have many posters who can share with us the unique experience of what it means to be a parent of a player.  Not that they can, or should, divulge everything they know, but I am glad to read anything they feel comfortable in sharing.

Also some one with over 1,600 is no longer a nob.


Permit me to interpret.  I speak hedge.  I think what he's saying is that, in Connie's last year, we were a mediocre team in a mediocre conference.  Therefore, (the implicit message is) Connie had topped out and was on a down-hill slide; it was probably time for both parties to move on.


Now, folks can disagree with that or agree with it.  But I think that's the "come right out and say it" version.


It's hard to say whether it was on a persistent downhill slide; I'm not sure it was. Just that last year's 18-13 team might have been a 15-16 or 14-17 team in another league year. 


Then again, Nebraska got a raw deal of a schedule, too. 


Red Don, I think this is what happens when a small group of posters decides for everyone else shortly after a major event that "it's time to move on."  I think if people had been allowed to vent their spleens a couple of months ago then this wouldn't be so much of a festering wound today.


Fans who've invested YEARS following and supporting a particular coach don't just "move on" over night.


At what point were people not allowed to vent? 


I say "allowed" in terms of peer pressure and not moderating policies.


I certainly felt pressured to "let it go" and "move on."


So sort of like this, but about moving on instead of down arrows.


If you don't have the balls to set forth an opinion with which others are free to agree or disagree, that's fine.  But don't hide behind a down arrow that insulates you from having to defend a position and which effectively ends discussion.  To me, down-arrowing others without participating in the discussion yourself is akin to throwing a rock at the other kids and then running to hide behind your mother's skirts.  It's chickenshit is what it is.


It's a bit hypocritical to gripe about the peer pressure of being told to "move on" while on the same token demanding anyone who might downvote you having to explain themselves. 



I say "allowed" in terms of peer pressure and not moderating policies.


I certainly felt pressured to "let it go" and "move on."


So sort of like this, but about moving on instead of down arrows.


If you don't have the balls to set forth an opinion with which others are free to agree or disagree, that's fine.  But don't hide behind a down arrow that insulates you from having to defend a position and which effectively ends discussion.  To me, down-arrowing others without participating in the discussion yourself is akin to throwing a rock at the other kids and then running to hide behind your mother's skirts.  It's chickenshit is what it is.


It's a bit hypocritical to gripe about the peer pressure of being told to "move on" while on the same token demanding anyone who might downvote you having to explain themselves. 



Actually, I think those two positions are perfectly and absolutely consistent.


Look at what I said about the effects of red arrows and what I've said about the effects of peer pressure to "move on."


They both stifle discussion. 


I've been perfectly consistent on that point.  So, no, it's not hypocritical at all.


By the way, Dimes, in fairness, you could have quoted my entire post so that people would see the whole context from which you ripped a snippet:



Also, a point of order:


The original post in the thread linked to the Corn Nation article and asked posters to agree or disagree.  In this sense, the original post invited discussion; it did not demand conformity of opinion.


This is a discussion board where things are discussed, and the fact that we won't always agree on everything is, I think, a given.  I don't expect everyone to always agree with me; I don't demand that people agree with me; in fact, I think it's best when there's a free exchange of ideas as long as it's mostly civil.  Nothing facilitates discussion more than disagreement.


In that vein, I'm going to register my objection to those people who choose to participate not by expressing an opinion with which or against which further discussion can be had, but rather by the use of the green "up" arrow and especially the red "down" arrow.


I can generally accept a green "up" arrow as being something akin to saying "I agree" or "me too" or "plus 1."  Those types of posts really don't require or invite a response.


But a red "down" arrow is different.  You cannot respond to or engage in discussion with a down arrow.


If you don't have the balls to set forth an opinion with which others are free to agree or disagree, that's fine.  But don't hide behind a down arrow that insulates you from having to defend a position and which effectively ends discussion.  To me, down-arrowing others without participating in the discussion yourself is akin to throwing a rock at the other kids and then running to hide behind your mother's skirts.  It's chickenshit is what it is.


Danielle Page isn't playing too shabby against the Americans right now!!! She looks pretty good.


Great player.  Really helped turn around our program.  With the benefit of hindsight, would have loved to have her red shirt a year.  

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