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  1. But why?!? https://x.com/RobinWashut/status/1774918929879605464?t=UpZTSW4WKizKGlwnxPQemQ&s=09
  2. I think the biggest crime is the even up late of whistles after it's decided. Makes it look hard to complain just on the box score
  3. Yeah, mast is all the way out of gas. Makes me wonder how many guys we'd have out or playing sick tomorrow
  4. I mean, mast looks like he feels like shit. CJ not playing... These guys are not 100% and it makes 8-5 even harder to fight. Not like we have quit, just not seeing lift on the jumpers
  5. Real question is how much cheddar do we need for cheddar
  6. Need to keep driving and take advantage of the whistles
  7. Did we jinx this by talking about free throws this week?
  8. So, me and my youngest(8) are coming to this one. How early should we get there if we are looking to get an autograph or two, and what's the protocol for that?
  9. Lol, and another touch foul gets battle to the line again
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